Street Department Sidebar


Chad Hassett
Street Commissioner

Renee Gellinger
Administrative Assistant

(574) 753-4610
Fax: (574) 753-4600

Staff Directory

Department Hours:
7:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Monday thru Friday

612 Race St
Logansport, IN 46947
Get Directions

Who Do I Call For:

Street light that is out?
Municipal Utilities 753-6231

Potholes, holes in alleys or pull-offs?
Street Department for city streets. If on a state highway, you can call them at 574-753-3592.

Stop lights flashing?
Street Department for stop lights on city streets. If on a state highway, you can call them at 574-753-3592 or call us and we will inform the State Highway Department.

Street signs that are down?
Street Department if it is on a city street. If it is on a state highway, you can call them at 574-753-3592 or call us and we will inform the State Highway Department.

Low hanging tree limbs in vehicle travel areas or unsafe tree limbs along street/sidewalk?
Street Department if it is a safety issue. They will work with Logansport Utilities in removing unsafe limbs. Otherwise, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to have trees in the tree lawn trimmed or removed.

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