Chad Hassett
Street Commissioner
Renee Gellinger
Administrative Assistant
(574) 753-4610
Fax: (574) 753-4600
Department Hours:
7:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Monday thru Friday
612 Race St
Logansport, IN 46947
Get Directions
Application for Sidewalk 50-50 (Rev. 01-25)
Application for Curbs and Guttering 50 50-(Rev. 01-25)
Application for Curb Cut and-or Street Cut (Rev 01-25)
Request Forms:
Street Closure Request Form (Rev. 01-25)
Dumpster Permit Application (Rev. 01-24)
Request for Misc. Type Sign Form (Rev. 01-25)
Informational Handouts:
Who Do I Call For:
Street light that is out?
Municipal Utilities 753-6231
Potholes, holes in alleys or pull-offs?
Street Department for city streets. If on a state highway, you can call them at 574-753-3592.
Stop lights flashing?
Street Department for stop lights on city streets. If on a state highway, you can call them at 574-753-3592 or call us and we will inform the State Highway Department.
Street signs that are down?
Street Department if it is on a city street. If it is on a state highway, you can call them at 574-753-3592 or call us and we will inform the State Highway Department.
Low hanging tree limbs in vehicle travel areas or unsafe tree limbs along street/sidewalk?
Street Department if it is a safety issue. They will work with Logansport Utilities in removing unsafe limbs. Otherwise, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to have trees in the tree lawn trimmed or removed.

The Street Department employs 16 full-time employees which includes of the Street Commissioner, Foreman, Administrative Assistant, 12 drivers, a laborer plus 3-4 seasonal laborers.
In addition to the duties listed, the department operates the county compost site and oversees the city’s 50-50 sidewalk and curbing program. They also assist other departments such as Code Enforcement, Utilities Department and Parks Department as needed.
Street Department duties include:
*Oversees paving of city streets
*Patches potholes in the streets
*Maintains alleys by patching potholes in paved alleys and grading/stoning gravel alleys
*Plows snow
*Sweeps streets
*Vacuums leaves in the fall
*Picks up brush, yard waste bags and Christmas trees
*Assists Code Enforcement with property clean-ups
*Picks up appliances/recycles freon from refrigerated items (there is a fee for freon removal)
*Installs and maintains street, information and warning signs on city streets
*Paints lines, crosswalks and arrows on city streets and curbs
*Removes debris from ground level catch basin grates
*Removes dead animals from city streets and alleys
*Operates the city’s composting/mulching site
*Assists in the approval process for street closures, street or curb cuts and dumpster requests
*Mosquito control
Street Department News & Updates
Please contact Cass County Recycle at 574-732-9253 and they can help with these items.
Because these appliances contain CFC gas, they must be disposed of properly per EPA standards that help protect the ozone layer and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
You may call an appliance dealer or for a pre-paid $12.00 fee, the Street Department will pick the item up within city limits and recover the gas properly and dispose of the appliance. County residents may bring the appliance to the Street Department for disposal for a $12.00 fee.
All mattresses and box springs must be wrapped in plastic. Please contact Republic Services to schedule pick up at 1-800-989-2539. Mattresses and box springs are not picked up by the Street Department.
If all of your trash does not fit in the trash toter, you may place additional trash bags with a $2 sticker on each bag near your toter.
Republic Services will pick up your furniture items. You should call Republic Services at 1-800-989-2539 to let them know you have large items for pick up. OR….
you may take your furniture to the landfill (a fee is charged)
Call Republic Services at 1-800-989-2539.
Please refer to the trash/recycle bin collection map on this web site.
Cass County Recycling District provides recycle roll-off bins. Click the following link for locations: and click on bin sites.
Brush and Yard Waste Bags:
Brush pick up routes run every other week from April 1st to October 31st. Brush should be piled butt end out and stacked as neatly as possible with NO TRASH, WIRE or other debris as the brush is fed into a grinder to make mulch that is made available to the city and Cass County residents at no charge. Brush should be placed either curbside or along the alley. If you hire a contractor to trim or take down a tree, it is the contractor’s responsibility to remove the debris. You may call the Street Department for brush pick up November 1st through March 31st.
Leaves, grass and flower/garden debris should be placed in biodegradable bags and placed in the same location as your trash toter (curbside or along alley). The Street Department bag pick up routes are the same day as your trash collection. Biodegradable yard waste bags are available at McCord’s, Martins, Walmart, or Home Depot.
- Bags must be less than 50 pounds
- No dirt, rocks, walnuts, animal feces, trash, concrete or plastic in the bag.
- No plastic bags – yard waste in plastic bags will not be picked up.
If you pay someone to do the work, the contractor is responsible to dispose of the yard waste and/or brush. The Street Department does not clean up after contractors.
Free Mulch and Compost:
The Street Department grinds the brush that is picked up into mulch and turns your yard waste to compost. Both are available to Logansport city residents and Cass County residents at no cost. Both are available at the Street Department Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. This is on a “load your own” basis.
If a dumpster is placed in the street, you must contact the Street Department Office at
574-753-4610 for a Request for Dumpster and obtain Board of Works approval.
Snow Removal:
The heaviest traveled streets and hills will be plowed and salted/sanded first.
Although our driver’s do not purposely throw snow onto your property, the snow has to go somewhere. It is helpful when you are shoveling your sidewalk, to shovel the snow onto your property and not into the street or along the curbside; driveways should be shoveled to the side of the driveway the snow plow would be heading. This will reduce the amount of snow thrown back onto your sidewalk and driveway.
Street Sweeper:
The street sweeper is run throughout the city to clean debris from our streets when weather permits. The routes are done in sections. Please keep in mind that weather may dictate when the sweeper is running.