Rick Bair
Logansport Fire Chief
(574) 753-3102
Fax: (574) 722-3842
Department Hours:
8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Monday thru Friday
Central Fire Station
630 High Street,
Logansport, IN 46947
Get Directions
Who Do I Call For:
Don’t dig blind
Cass County Central Dispatch
(574) 722-6060
Logansport Central Fire Station
(574) 753-3102
Logansport Station #4
(574) 753-0241
Fire Facts
In 2019, fire departments responded to an estimated 1.3 million fires. These fires caused roughly 3,700 civilian fire deaths and 16,600 reported civilian fire injuries. Property damage was estimated at $14.8 billion.
On average, a fire department responded to a fire somewhere in the US every 24 seconds in 2019. A home structure fire was reported every 93 seconds, a home fire death occurred every three hours and 10 minutes, and a home fire injury occurred every 43 minutes.
More than one-third of the fires (481,500 or 37 percent) occurred in or on structures. Most fire losses were caused by these fires, including 2,980 civilian fire deaths (80 percent); 13,900 civilian fire injuries (84 percent); and $12.3 billion in direct property damage (83 percent)
One of every five fires occurred in one- or two-family homes, yet these fires caused nearly two-thirds of the civilian fire deaths (65 percent) and more than half of the civilian fire injuries (53 percent). The 6 percent of fires in apartments caused 10 percent of the civilian fire deaths and 20 percent of the injuries.
Causes of Fires and Fire Deaths
Cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the U.S. It is also the leading cause of home fire injuries. Cooking fires often result from unattended cooking and human error, rather than mechanical failure of stoves or ovens. Careless smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths. Smoke alarms and smolder-resistant bedding and upholstered furniture are significant fire deterrents. Heating is the second leading cause of residential fires and the second leading cause of fire deaths. However, heating fires are a larger problem in single family homes than in apartments. Unlike apartments, the heating systems in single family homes are often not professionally maintained. Arson is both the third leading cause of residential fires and residential fire deaths. In commercial properties, arson is the major cause of deaths, injuries and dollar loss.
Who is Most at Risk
Senior citizens age 70 and over and children under the age of 5 have the greatest risk of fire death.
The fire death risk among seniors is more than double the average population.
The fire death risk for children under age 5 is nearly double the risk of the average population.
Children under the age of 10 accounted for an estimated 17 percent of all fire deaths in 1996.
Men die or are injured in fires almost twice as often as women.
African Americans and American Indians have significantly higher death rates per capita than the national average. Although African Americans comprise 13 percent of the population, they account for 26 percent of fire deaths.
What Saves Lives
A working smoke alarm dramatically increases a person’s chance of surviving a fire.
Approximately 88 percent of U.S. homes have at least one smoke alarm. However, these alarms are not always properly maintained and as a result might not work in an emergency. There has been a disturbing increase over the last ten years in the number of fires that occur in homes with non-functioning alarms.
It is estimated that over 40 percent of residential fires and three-fifths of residential fatalities occur in homes with no smoke alarms. Residential sprinklers have become more cost effective for homes. Currently, few homes are protected by them.
Source: National Fire Protection Association 1998 Fire Loss in the U.S. and Fire in the United States 1987-1996 11th Edition
Smoke Alarms
Properly placed smoke alarms double the likelihood of survival of a house fire.
Smoke Alarm Tips
Alarms should be replaced every eight to ten years, and for smoke alarms that use traditional batteries, batteries should be changed once a year.
Smoke alarms should be tested every month
Install smoke alarms on every level, in every sleeping area and outside every bedroom of the building.
Ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms are better at detecting different kinds of potentially fatal fires. The US Fire Administration recommends every household be equipped with both kinds of alarms, or dual sensor alarms.
If you need assistance with installing the alarms or need assistance with accessing alarms please call us at (574) 753-3102.
Fire Department News & Updates
There is a pre-employment phase, an application process and the appointment process to be recruited to the Logansport Fire Department.
They work an average of a 53-hour work week. They work a 24-hour day then they are off for 24 hours, they work a 24-hour day then they are off for 24 hours, they work a 3rd 24-hour day then they are off for 4 days. We utilize 3 crews working with this schedule in order to provide 24 hour a day protection for our citizens.
Our current ISO rating is a 4. This is based on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest.
Currently there are 2 fire houses within the city.
Contact our administrative offices at 574-753-3102 or stop in at 630 High St to obtain a fire report. Please have pertinent information available about the incident such as the exact date and address so that we can find the report in a timely manner. We do charge $6.00 for a copy of the report.
No, we do not fill up swimming pools.